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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Microsoft Innovative Educators Day in Bangladesh.

Here in first Photograph:
from left Sarana Islam(Microsoft Education led Bangladesh), Me! Abul Kalam Rashad Ahmed, mieexpert15 receiving certificate and crest from Muhammed Hamidul Haque (Director of the Ministry of Education of Secondary and Higher education training ) and Chairman Microsoft Bangladesh. Second one: This is me (Abul Kalam Rashad Ahmed, mieexpert15) delivering speech in Spectra Convention Center, Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh. I shared my few experiences with the audience. Audiences, Bangladeshi Microsoft Innovative educators, educator experts, British Council Bangladesh officials, Microsoft Bangladesh officials, Journalists etc.

Microsoft Innivative Educators Day News

মাইক্রোসফট ইনোভেটিভ এডুকেটর এক্সপার্ট ২০১৫ ঘোষণা

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Teacher/Educator/Educator Expert and Microsoft Onenote & Sway

My feelings from the core of my heart on- 
Teacher/Educator/Educator Expert 
Microsoft Onenote & Sway